Thursday, December 26, 2019

The lucky one

The Lucky One movie revolves around a marine who is saved on the battlefield due to a photograph. This drives hi in search for the girl who turns out to be sister of another fallen marine. 

The movie does not offer much in the romantic chemistry angle and what you get is a mundane life between the lead actors. The only other unstimulating and predictable plot is of an abusive husband who keeps showing into "Beth's" (Taylor Schlling) life and create some alpha moment between "Logan" (Zac Efron) and him.

In the end somehow, miraculously, the abusive husband "Keith Clayton" (Jay R Ferguson) drowns trying to save his son and Long and Beth start their new life.

Well the overall movie does sound dull but if you are a strong lover of the romantic genre you might like it like i did. Wouldn't recommend this movie but it can be watched once.

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